(Nikos Kazantzakis)
Of course, our families provide us with our first human laboratory experience in which we are bombarded with all kinds of social and psychological training. My training was quite thorough and clearly laid the foundation for the making of a psychotherapist.
At sixteen I stumbled into reading The Life and Adventures of Zorba The Greek (Nikos Kazantzakis, 1953) for a high school English class. Deeply moved and fascinated with the soul-stirring writing of Kazantzakis I travelled to Greece in the hope of finding the spirit of Alexis Zorba in the Greek people and their culture.
It was only many years later, that I realized how this book and my experience in Greece profoundly shaped the direction of my adult life and my identity as a therapist.
After surviving my family and my own adolescence, my path led me to an undergraduate degree in psychology at Syracuse University, followed by a masters degree in education at Northeastern University, a doctoral degree in counseling psychology at Boston University, and a post-doctoral internship at Suffolk University.
The many years of formal education and practice interwoven with everyday life experience enabled me to continue evolving as a well trained yet very human professional.
Formal Education
Cambridge St., Suite 395, Boston, MA
Post-Doctoral Intern/Therapist
Graduate School of Education
Sherborn St., Boston, MA
EdD: Counseling Psychology
Department of Counseling Psychology and Applied Educational Psychology
203 Lake Hall, Boston, MA
MEd: Secondary Guidance and Career Education
College of Arts and Sciences
300 Hall of Languages, Syracuse, NY
BA: Psychology
Professional Counseling Experience
Private Practice, Psychotherapist
June 1990 – present
Stoney Brook Counseling Center, Chelmsford, MA
The Institute for Family Living and Learning, Danvers, MA
Doctoral Intern/Therapist and Consultant
Chelmsford High School, Chelmsford, MA
Guidance Counselor; Director of The Chelmsford High School Peer Counseling Program
Danvers State Mental Health Hospital, Danvers, MA
Mental Health Attendant
Masconomet Regional Junior and Senior High School, Topsfield, MA
Masters Degree Guidance Intern
Professional Teaching Experience
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
13 years
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Graduate School of Education, Boston, MA
Adjunct Professor
1 year
Suffolk University, Psychology Department, Boston, MA
Adjunct Professor
4 years
Play Therapy” Boston, MA
Lesley University Graduate School of Counseling Psychology
“Communication Skills in Pharmacy Care”
“Improving Counseling and Communications”
Northeastern University Bouve College of Pharmacy
and Health Sciences Seminars
Northeastern University, Weston, MA
“Homophobia and the HIV Caregiver”
Merrimack College Center for Care Ministries Workshop, N. Andover, MA
“Opening Doors To Self-Awareness:
A Peer Counseling Model”
The 65th Annual National Association of
Secondary School Principals
New Orleans, LA
Membership in Professional Societies
ICEEFT: International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy